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Day 1 - Self-Portrait

Well in the spirit of getting hard things out of the way first, it seems like the first challenge is a self-portrait. For me, self portraits seem incredibly daunting and I feel like I may not be alone in that sentiment. How do you go about creating something artistic when you are your own subject matter? How do you overcome the self-doubt and the gaping maw that is the lack of self esteem that most of us face? I have tried multiple other times before this exercise to take a self portrait, but those efforts have never gotten past the editing stage; a little voice in my head tells me it is too silly. I’m taking myself too seriously. I’m not meeting my own standards of appearance. I’m actually not very good at this, or anything really. But honestly? I’m tired of that. So without further ado, here it is.

Is it photographic gold? Is it my favorite work? Does it inspire me to greatness? Absolutely not. But you know what? It feels good to finally have it out of the way. There you go world, a self portrait of me.

It is strange having an image in your head of yourself (you’re probably still 16 in there) and then seeing yourself. Who is that man? How did I get to here? Where to next?

Time will tell. Thanks for coming by, see you next round.